CaponePLAY created by CaponeVR is THE best VR player available.
Easily play local or remote videos on your iPhone!
Supported are 2D, 180° und 360° videos, also in 3D (side by side / top bottom).
CaponePLAY is easy to use, without advertisement and free!
We do not collect and fetch data and do not require unnecessary permissions.
Just enjoy virtual reality!
-highest performance while playing high quality movies
-completely gazecontrolled user interface without the need of touching the display
-every vr / carboarddevice and cardboardversion is supported
-recentering can be done vertically, so watching content in the bed is also possible
-seek freely using a timeslider
-changing degree and stereo options is possible while watching
-new and modern design
CaponePLAY - The VR player you cant refuse.
Using the optional built in bluetooth support may drain your battery.